Matthew G. Robinson
Web Development Portfolio

I am a developer with a front-end specialty and some back-end familiarity, based in Dallas–Ft. Worth. I have more than seven years' experience building landing pages and UI components for a major corporation, and maintaining a Federal grant management platform. I have a diverse professional background from my previous career as a public policy analyst and program manager.

The following are samples of my past projects on the front end. All are entirely my own work (or nearly so), with the exception of Maker Spotlight (another developer contributed to the CSS and a JS module) and the VA Center for Innovation microsite (a contractor originally developed the site).

Past Classes

Michaels Stores


This project, which is an online archive of over 2,000 instructional videos, features the React rebuild of a web application I developed to provide a suite of functionality and UI controls for viewing, sorting, filtering, and paginating dynamic collections of content.

Homepage automation

Michaels Stores


I took the initiative to custom-build a Node.js tool to automate daily updates to the homepage, which used to be coded manually. The automation improved efficiency and reduced errors, freeing up nearly one full developer FTE. The solution ingests MS Excel data, runs it through a set of template modules, and outputs the HTML for the page.

Maker Spotlight

Michaels Stores


This high-profile experience features influential Makers who use Michaels products to bring their ideas to life. It features responsive, full-viewport modals; and uses the History browser API to enable bookmarking and update the URL as the user is routed through the application.

Sale page template

Michaels Stores


I developed an automated template for building landing pages for major promotional sales, such as Black Friday and Cyber Week. We used it to build countless sale pages, which typically generated between $1M and $8M in assisted revenue over a weeklong lifespan.

Yarn Pattern Library

Michaels Stores


I built this project with the original, vanilla-JS version of the application mentioned above (see Past Classes), which provides a suite of functionality and UI controls for viewing, sorting, and filtering dynamic collections of content.

Excel-to-JSON converter

Michaels Stores


I conceived and established an MS Excel-based approach for sharing large data sets with the business (my team did not have access to back-end databases), which enabled us to build much larger, scalable experiences than we could when we coded everything by hand. The code featured here is for a Node.js command line tool which converts Excel data to JSON. The tool became a standard part of our workflow on many projects.

HTML pre-builder

Michaels Stores


This general-purpose Node.js tool generates HTML code from data as part of an automated development workflow. It interfaces with a custom script that a developer can write to process the data for a particular project. Pre-rendering content on the development side is analogous to server-side rendering, with similar benefits for user experience, performance, and SEO.

Browser Extension for Fantasy Leagues



I developed a Chrome/Firefox browser extension for members of my fantasy sports leagues. When the user visits a Yahoo! Fantasy Sports page, the extension makes an AJAX call to my database, retrieves custom player data, and injects the info into the page so it appears on mouse hover over a player's name.

Private Fantasy Baseball Website



I designed, developed, and maintained a website for my fantasy baseball league. Features include: a history page that collects user input and retrieves player statistics from a server-side database; and a mobile adaptation with a hideable navigation menu and scrollable data tables.

Program Microsite

VA Center for Innovation


I maintained the Center for Innovation's public microsite. I taught myself on the job and developed several enhancements to the site's design and functionality, such as: